‘The law of cause and effect states that: Every effect has a specific and predictable cause. Every cause or action has a specific and predictable effect. This means that everything that we currently have in our lives is an effect that is a result of a specific cause.’- Quantum Diaries.
And with the ‘feedback loop’ contained in this law, this feedback loop amplifies the initial cause and there for the result effect becomes greater.
This amplification chain of events thus becomes a viscous never ending cycle until a new cause outside the initial cause takes place.
Meaning from the one lock-down (the cause), the resulted effect is reduced COVID19 deaths (effect). Based on this result, the feedback loop repeats but at a gain this time. Meaning another lock-down or an extended lock-down period takes place much sever than the original lock-down to keep numbers down (the feedback loop), and this cycle is continuous, never ending until a new cause takes place. (for example the introduction of the new vaccine).
So what can we take from examining natures law of cause and effect is that, we must:
Expect further more lock-downs at extended periods for the next few years, post new vaccine treatments there will be new effects formed as a result of this product, causing a new cause to form, new levels of lock-downs or such similar new lock-down events introduced.
Why am I talking about a quantum physics formula when you are interested in marketing?
Here’s why and how you can use this to thrive when marketing your business in times of uncertainty.
Taking natures law of cause and effect, we can form the hypothesis that the consumers in our marketplace are experiences effects from each lock-down event at a greater effect each time round, causing them to react different each time.
These effects experienced by our consumers can mainly be grouped under the emotional feeling of ‘uncertainty’
The more lock-downs, the more people feel uncertain about making decisions, more confusion is thus formed from the chaos experienced as they struggle to make sense of the current circumstances, their inability to understand or predict their futures.
Therefor when marketing your brand, focus on increasing your customers/clients uncertainty levels:
1) Increasing certainty – Tell them the truth, what is really happening as apposed to leaving your customers/clients forming their own hypothesis on the chain of events that are taking place in your business. This could mean simple visuals, videos, or messages about new updates taking place or sharing some behind the scenes developments. let them know that you are still in operation mode and will continue to do so based on what they value from your brand.
2) Increase communicate – Provide helpful useful information on how your customers can engage with your business during these Lock-down periods and what they can expect when the next lock-downs take place, will there be a change of service delivery or a halt in production for example?
Once you have this information in place, use your online and offline marketing channels to promote these messages to increase certainty with your existing and new customers.
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